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A Comprehensive Course of FaceBook Marketing and promotions

Facebook Marketing: For Ecommerce Solutions , Fans to Sales, Ideas and Strategies of Promotions and Using Skills



  • FaceBook Account
  • Basic Information About Facebook
  • Computer and internet connection


A comprehensive course to all who wish to know the mysteries and possibilities of Facebook in online promotion and advertising-funded, as well as promotion through publishing in Facebook groups and also through live video broadcast and send messages directly through the new promotion of the Facebook service session start by concrete examples of the shops and businesses and offices, electronic stores and ways of promoting and publicizing the products and the delivery of services to the different and multiple slides, each according to its competence with a detailed explanation of the categories and Interests .. session is a collection of practical experience and realism registered are adding a large number of Sections from time to time to deliver the picture and simplify things to all who wish to be a pioneer in the field of e-marketing and making the most of Facebook possibilities enormous .. it also helps those who wish to reap money from the Internet and profit through Facebook to do so and himself .. topics are many and multi-divided into a number of interesting units we offer in your hands .. with wishes All of success

Who this course is for:

  • Online Sellers
  • CPA Worker and Fans
  • Marketers, Entrepreneurs & Small Medium Business Owners
  • Social media marketing managers and consultants
  • Anyone who wants to master Facebook marketing

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